GEORGE MAGANA 4 Cropped Print Color

George Magaña


George Magana has extensive background in customer service to CarePodz. He has with 25 years in the Automotive Service industry with 15 years as a Fixed Operations manager dedicated to customer service. George also has had over 7 years in the financial services industry serving as a senior loan officer for one of the largest Residential Mortgage brokerages in Southern California. George has expanded his knowledge as a former college instructor. Throughout his career he has demonstrated exceptional service to people and maintains these high performance standards today.

Vernon Alstot


With over 38 years in professional safety service industry, Vernon Alstot has a wealth of knowledge and experience to draw on when it comes to serving communities across the globe. Vernon began his service career as a Police Officer serving in the city of Ventura. He went on to a career change to the Ventura Fire Department serving 28 years at all levels and with several agency programs and projects. He retired in 2009 as a Chief Officer and repurposed by forming a disaster support company. In 2010 he traveled to Port a Prince Haiti and collaborated in converting shipping containers into logistical support mobile buildings in the earthquake recovery effort. Haiti efforts coupled with his public safety background working that provide care to the cross section of his community has given him invaluable insight into the needs and effective uses built into what CarePodz can provide.

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Built to Serve Our Communities